
Showing posts from April, 2020

Challenges and Rubik’s Cube

In our day to day life whether it is professional or personal there are some emotions come to our mind while dealing with some problems, negotiating or with tough client. It is just same kind of madness run into the mind of player when he/she look at the colorful madness that is a Rubik’s Cube .Question is what we – our mind think when we encounter a problem?  The answer is: solve it. But what if solution isn’t that much east as it seems. Pulling hairs, scratching or Spinning and spinning, whether it’s the wheels of your brain, will get you nowhere. Use the Rubik’s Cube strategy.Solving levels of Rubik’s Cube is just like solving difficult problem. Ideally, the thought process should be simple: you know the steps and what the outcome should be, but sometimes ideas just don’t click in youd. Just like many of our problems, the way we approach them, the solutions and the way we go about them vary drastically. When faced with a difficult problem with no solution in sight, picture a